Took another trip to the
LCM last week end. Since my last visit, a few things changed, some pieces got moved, and a large amount of space was given to computer real people grew up with (PDPs are cool, but don't talk to me like an Apple II does). they still have that huge backroom dedicated to early 80s mainframes, it is a cool room, but I wonder if they could use the space in a better way.
It is nice to see that they setup pretty much every classic computer with flagship games and let people play with them. I was happy to play with a Sol20 (that I only knew from the Byte ads). made me want to get one one day. See pictures below.
An interesting thing was that most of the games were not on original disks, Now that make the experience even more real, but I was surprised to see something like this there.
Amiga 500 at the Living Computer Museum, along with a set of non original disks |
A 486 PC at the Living Computer Museum playing Little Big Adventure |
Commodore 128 at the Living Computer Museum |
IBM PC at the Living Computer Museum |
Classic book library (my garage has more :) ) |
Cool PET at the Living Computer Museum |
Atari Pong, that is not even classified as computer AFAIK |
Atari 800 and Donkey Kong at the Living Computer Museum |
Atari 400 the Living Computer Museum and a shoe box of carts |
Vic 20 at the Living Computer Museum, playing Sargon II from a cart |
Commodore 64 at the Living Computer Museum, with Lode Runner |
IBM PC Jr at the Living Computer Museum with some king quest game |
Original Mac + and empty box to see signatures, at the Living Computer Museum |
The Microsoft Corner the Living Computer Museum |
C128 at the Living Computer Museum with multiplan |
Lisa at the Living Computer Museum |
Apple IIe with Summer Games at the Living Computer Museum |